
Overseas Stockists

We would like to welcome Cogitech SRL Italy and Duxon shop Poland to our growing band of overseas stockists The guys at Cogitech have been having some fun during testing and they they have set up a facebook page (Sodafloat Fans page Italy) with some great videos and articles. They have even used it to [...]

June 10th, 2018|News|

Best Gear of the Year 2017

  It was great to be included in the Angler's Mail Best Gear of the Year 2017 products. Thanks to Richard Howard the Angler's Mail tackle editor for including our SodaFloat as one of the best pieces of kit of 2017. Richard notes that "FISHED like a waggler, the beauty of this clever float – [...]

January 24th, 2018|News|

Angling Times

Des Taylor has been using a Sodafloat to bag up on Chub. Des noticed one day that when he was baiting up his swims on the River Severn with balls of soaked pellets the chub were attacking the balls of feed as he threw them in. The next day he went back with a Sodafloat [...]

November 8th, 2017|News|

Buy our Sodafloat Online

Our Sodafloat can be bought online from two suppliers and we are sure that our suppliers will increase and sorry if we have missed any suppliers off our list.  We will keep up-dating.  

May 14th, 2017|News|

The Sodafloat hits the shops

After a successful launch at the Big One, the Sodafloat has now gone on general sale and is available from the following outlets : Benwicks Sports - Ely, Davies angling - Staines, The Fishing Basket - Hull, Hull Angling Centre, Catchmoore Fishing Tackle - Hull, Grovehill Angling - Beverley and Parkgate Angling Centre - Rotherham. For a [...]

April 15th, 2017|News|
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